
  • 应用版本:
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  • 系统要求:
  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 23:20
  • 访问密码:659522



The doctor will see you now

Teleconsult a Singapore-registered doctor on your phone wherever you are within minutes, and manage your healthcare needs on one app.

We have extended our services to specialists offerings. Teleconsult mental wellness professionals (psychologists / psychiatrists) and paediatricians on an on-demand / appointment booking basis.

WhiteCoat is a telemedicine provider in the Ministry of Health Singapore’s regulatory sandbox, and is now also available in Indonesia.

Kini telah hadir WhiteCoat, sebuah layanan kesehatan yang membantu Anda untuk berkonsultasi via video dengan Dokter Umum teregistrasi di Indonesia, atau Dokter Umum teregistrasi di Singapura melalui ponsel dimana pun Anda berada dalam hitungan menit.

Mulailah telekonsultasi pertama Anda; Unduh WhiteCoat sekarang.


WhiteCoat 1.8.4 更新

– Application improvement.
– Bug fixes.
