Virtuoso, rewarded to be healthy!

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-7 14:19
  • 访问密码:659522


Virtuoso, rewarded to be healthy!

Walk, run, sleep, eat healthily and monitor your health. Virtuoso has been founded with the aim of encouraging and rewarding those who choose a healthy lifestyle.

With Virtuoso, you will discover that being rewarded is easier than you think! To achieve our rewards and goals, you will not have to overturn your daily life. We firmly believe that everyone, is a potential Virtuoso. With us, you too will discover that you are Virtuoso.

* Virtuoso is only compatible with Google Fit (at the moment there is no other direct integration with any fitness tracker or third-party app)

** The activities entered manually will not be counted for the accumulation of credits, the unlocking of the levels or the release of the badges.

*** To record your workout and physical activity, you can use any app or activity tracker connected directly with Google Fit

Virtuoso reads data from Google FIt and rewards you based on:

– Steps
– Distance
– Physical activity
– Calories

For any information, suggestions or feedback you can write to us 24 hours a day at:

Virtuoso, rewarded to be healthy!


Virtuoso, rewarded to be healthy! 1.27.3 更新

Hey Virtuoso,
thanks to your feedback, we daily work to give you the best experience on our app. Now you can rely on a better communication with Google Fit and you can add your sleep hours. Also, find out “The Virtuoso’s hint” for all the news and upload your profile picture. We also made some little improvements. If something goes wrong, email us at and get dedicated support.
