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  • 更新时间:2021-03-7 17:33
  • 访问密码:659522



Thermometer Room Temperature Indoor, Outdoor app measure temperature in Celsius,Kelvin,Fahrenheit
“Measure temperature unit type Celsius (°C), Fahrenheit(°F) and Kelvin (°K).
Measure “”indoor”” room temperature and “”outdoor”” temperature and humidity based on your location.”
Simple thermometer room temperature measures ambient temperature indoor and outdoor.
Accurate thermometer shows outdoor and indoor temperature.
– Measures room temperature.
– For a better precision, thermometer uses integrated sensor to measure inside temperature.
– Localisation allows to get outside temperature.
– Measures units are Celsius, Fahrenheit and kelvin.
– Hygrometer measures humidity

How to check current temperature meter for room?
1. You just need to open the app and wait 1-2 seconds.
2. turn on the internet and the navigation device will return you the weather where you live
3. Check actual temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit!
► Important!
*For the external thermometer to work, an internet connection is necessary to be able to collect the data.
*Because Thermometer – Hygrometer , Weather Now measure temperature and humidity according to location, please allow the turned position..
*Sometimes there is a need for calibration, so please leave your phone on a flat place, without touching it about 5-10 minutes. Then it will give you the correct indoor and outdoor temperature.
*Keep away from too hot or too cold objects for better results.
*When your phone is in use the battery warms up and temperature is measured higher then real.
*Keep away from too hot or too cold objects for better results.
*Thermometer uses your phone’s battery temperature sensor and some other device data to measure the indoor temperature.

Important! : For accurate results, leave your phone without use about 5-10 minutes. Then it will give you the correct indoor temperature. When your phone is in use the battery warms up and temperature is measured higher then real.


Thermometer 1.1.0003.0005 更新

* Accuracy improved
* Support Android 10
* UI improved
* Room Temperature
