Taiwan Newspapers

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-7 00:48
  • 访问密码:659522


Taiwan Newspapers

Taiwan Newspapers gives you the chance to experience all the latest news from Taiwan and all around the world in a very compact way from the comfort of your own phone or tablet.

Included newspapers/news sites in Taiwan Newspapers are:
Liberty Times, Next Media, United Daily News, China Times, China Post, Taipei Times, Taiwan News, Min Sheng Bao, Taiwan Review, Kinmen Daily News, Taiwan Times, Mandarin Daily News, Central Daily News, Matsu Daily, CNA, Tourism Bureau, CTS, Taiwan Today, Taiwan Daily, NowNews, Peanuts Daily, ksnews.com.tw, EpochTimes, cvYes, BCC, ETtoday, FTV, Taipei News, Yahoo News Taiwan, MSN, Taiwannet, Business Weekly, TCOC.org.tw, MOEA.gov.tw, lTSports, Yahoo Taiwan Sports, Twsportnews.tw, Videoland Sports, yam Sports, CTV, PTS, TTV, Taipei Soir, Google News Taiwan, Match and more…

* Favorites
* Share news with friends and family
* Home screen – start reading right away with a home screen
* News browser – browse the web for news by keyword
* Themes
* Add/Delete/Edit newspaper/news site
* Online newspaper/news site list update
* Open newspaper/news site in standard browser
* Show/Hide drawer on application start

Please, contact us if you have any suggestion and ideas about how to make Taiwan Newspapers better, so we can improve the application.
Thank you for using our app.

