Synology Drive
**您必須擁有 Synology NAS 方可執行此應用程式,且必須安裝 Synology Drive 1.0.0 以取得完整功能**
Android Drive 讓您不論身在何處,都能輕鬆存取與管理 Synology Drive 內的檔案。除了一般類型的檔案,如文件、影像、影片與音樂外,您亦可在 Drive 提供的易用瀏覽器中開啟 Synology Office 的文件、試算表及簡報;此外,Android 也提供檔案搜尋、分享、移動和套用標籤等功能,讓使用者隨時隨地都能以高效率完成任務。
Synology Drive 2.2.0 更新
– The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days.
– Fixed the issue where clicking on file links in the app will not direct the user to the correct worksheet in Synology Spreadsheet.
– Fixed the issue where clicking on the link in the access request email will send the user to the information page instead of the file permission page.
– Fixed the issue where if there are multiple files with the same name in search results, the file content might be incorrect.
– Fixed the issue where clicking on file links in the app will not direct the user to the correct worksheet in Synology Spreadsheet.
– Fixed the issue where clicking on the link in the access request email will send the user to the information page instead of the file permission page.
– Fixed the issue where if there are multiple files with the same name in search results, the file content might be incorrect.