
  • 应用版本:
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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 14:02
  • 访问密码:659522



The Swiss-Traffic application (Traffic in Switzerland) informes for FREE since 10 years about the instant road and traffic conditions, localized and auditiv.

Because of the auditiv function it’s the only application you can use while you are driving!

«Like when using a GPS navigation system, you will be informed in advance by the voice system of any danger or traffic delays that might occur on your itinerary, and this without any required handling of your smartphone. Thanks to these preventive informations, you can change your route and gain a lot of time. »

We inform you before and during your trip about :

• ghost drivers, accidents traffic jams and delays reported iin real time
• road repair sites, closed roads, mountain pass closures
• continously updated and reported speedlimitations
• route planner
• voice alarm WHEN exceeding the permitted speed
• New WIDGET! (first add favorites with route planner, min Android 3.0)


Permissions: [Call phone numbers directly ]
Only used to be able to call our Traffic Information Center directly from the application.

Background location access
This app collects location data to enable sound warning about traffic events (accidents, slowdowns and closures) along your road trip and overspeeding, while driving and even when the app is closed or not in use.
This data is also used to support ads, but only in the free version and when the app is in the foreground.

How it works
You will be warned about upcoming traffic events, even if your phone screen is off. Quitting the app normally using the back key will stop location requests. A foreground notification is displayed for you to be aware that you will be sound warned of traffic events.

How your location is used
The application uses your location to get surrounding traffic events and to determinate if a traffic event concerns you, the driver. The location is used to filter traffic events to download. The location is not stored on our servers. It is anonymously transmitted to ViaSuisse for road traffic analysis. The location is shown on the map if the app is in the foreground.


Swiss-Traffic 更新

Prominent disclosure about background location requests
