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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 21:17
  • 访问密码:659522



DOWNLOAD THE SURGE MOBILE APP AND SCHEDULE CLASSES, TRACK YOUR WORKOUTS, REFER A FRIEND, AND SEE RESULTS. Surge is a high intensity interval training class designed to challenge a wide range of fitness levels from beginners to elite endurance athletes. Burning calories is just the beginning! Other performance measures such a balance, flexibility, posture, strength, and core stability will also improve. Our simple to learn circuit style class is engaging, progressive and most importantly fun! The Surge program is designed in four-week increments and the work rest ratios are altered every eight weeks to ensure you never get bored, never plateau, and keep wanting more. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM. CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION WWW.ELITEEDGEATHLETICS.COM


Surge 3.21.4 更新

Bug fixes
