SA Image
At the tap of a screen and a swipe of the finger, consultants can enter their clients’ details for a style and colour consultation in the palm of their hand. When all the measurements have been entered, and the consultant has decided on the client’s colour flow and dialled it in, the Appearance Specialist retains the information and will give multiple options under each important section, eg. Find My Figure, Find My Face, Find My Fashion, Show My Shape, Show My Segments, Create My Colour etc.
The South African Image Academy is proud to announce a first of its kind! Meticulously created, professional, practical and state-of-the-art, this unique app designed for Image Consultants and their clients, is an official industry disruptor. No need for cumbersome website procedures, or having to remember an outdated style book and expensive colour swatch when you go shopping. As an Image Consultant, you can now confidently convey to your clients, “I’ve got an app for that!”
SA Image 1.5 更新
Upgrade Android target version to Android 30
Show Password Option added to login screen