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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 23:18
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RPM365 makes remote patient monitoring (RPM) easy and effective for you and your healthcare professional by working with FDA-cleared physiologic monitoring devices like BP monitors, glucometers, scales and more to track your conditions, helping to improve communication, care and health outcomes.

In addition to accurate health readings, you’ll receive other valuable features:

* Instantaneous data sharing with your provider
* Direct-messaging from your provider
* Detailed reports
* Alerts for abnormal readings

Our leadership team has an extensive background in health care and technology, developing award-winning condition tracking apps and building partnerships with leading health condition and professional organizations.

We’ve used our combined expertise to create RPM365, bringing the full benefits of remote patient monitoring to both patients and their health care providers.


RPM365 3.0 更新

We are continually enhancing RPM365 to make it more useful for you and your healthcare provider. To take advantage of these important improvements, make sure you have the latest version.

The latest release contains:
– Added support for Beurer BM67 blood pressure monitor
