Royal Academy of Science

  • 应用版本:
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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 18:46
  • 访问密码:659522


Royal Academy of Science

A/L science students of the Royal Academy of Science can use this to get notes, videos, online classes, online exams and pdfs

>>>> Students

* Students can play lecture videos at anytime and they can get notes.
* Students can view/read pdf notes within our app.
* Each subjects are separated in clear manner.
* Students will get access to videos according to their subscription and batch

>>>> Teachers

* Teachers can send Videos,Messages and Files to students themselves.
* Teachers can view student list within the app
* Teachers can temporarily block or permanently remove students from the subscription.
* Teachers can review students account and fix their problems without developers help
* Teachers can add new students by giving new index number according to batch with selected subjects
* Teachers can view all statistical informations of students behaviour and subscription numbers from app
* Teachers can get students doubts/feedbacks from app

>>>> Security Protocols

* This app is highly secured
* Student are restricted to take screenshots or capture screen recordings of videos or pdf. App won’t allow it
* Students are restricted to download videos and files from app
* Teachers can block students from using app by simply blocking them.


Royal Academy of Science 1.0.20 更新

perfomance improvment
