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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 18:14
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Want to refresh your memory on named chemical reactions before an exam or a group meeting? The free ReactionFlash(R) app is a great way to learn named reactions, understand their mechanisms and view examples published in peer-reviewed literature or patents.

Designed and developed in consultation with Professor Dr. Erick M. Carreira of ETH Zürich, the app now covers over 1’000 named chemistry reactions. Professor Carreira has helped ensure that we have all the fundamental reactions that should be part of every chemist’s toolkit: from the best-known ones to the ones only Nobel Prize winners remember!

The app is designed like a set of flash cards so it can be used as a learning tool as well as a reference. Each ‘card’ shows the reaction, its mechanism and examples from peer-reviewed, published literature. It also has a quiz mode that lets you test your knowledge.

Linking into Reaxys enables you to find the most recent examples of each reaction, many with experimental details. Reaxys delivers experimental facts from the literature, enabling researchers to find the best synthetic routes and conditions. Find out more at

Download the app now and see if you know all the named reactions!

– Learn named reactions
– Review and understand mechanisms
– Explore examples published in peer-reviewed literature
– Take the ReactionFlash quiz and see how much you know

If you need support, please contact us at

Reaxys and ReactionFlash are trade marks of Elsevier Ltd., used under license.
(c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd.

For known issues please see:


ReactionFlash 3.0.1 更新

– Both Orientations: view all content and use all the functionalities in portrait or landscape mode.
– Sets on Named Reactions: create personalized sets of Named Reactions or use predefined sets based on difficulty or transformation type.
– Shuffle: review Named Reactions randomly in addition to the alphabetical order.
– Support for Light and Dark Mode
– Novel Content: we added new Named Reactions – most of them proposed by you or your peers..
