Paralyzed Veterans of America

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 20:10
  • 访问密码:659522


Paralyzed Veterans of America

Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) was established in 1946 by a band of World War II veterans who suffered devastating spinal cord injuries, and returned home to a country with few solutions to the unique challenges they faced. Today, PVA serves more than 18,000 veterans, plus their members and caregivers, and provides access and support for them to find quality health care, the benefits they’ve earned, and jobs that will sustain them. Through its 33 chapters across the nation, as well as one in Puerto Rico, and its 72 offices, the organization advocates for its veteran members and all Americans living with spinal cord injury or disease. Use the app to discover more about PVA’s work, view upcoming events, and connect with veterans and staff.


Paralyzed Veterans of America 5.70 更新

-Easier access to the web version of the event when you log in

-Embedded videos are now provided right on session pages. This means you can participate in a virtual session without leaving the page you’re on!

-Some events may require login before viewing and interacting with the activity feed.
