My Current Location : Find & Share
⭐ Features :
✔️ Details about current location
Show details of your current location with latitude, longitude, altitude, azimut and more.
✔️ Save locations
Save your current location with just one tap with accuracy.
✔️ Favorite Locations
Add locations to Favorites to always remember your favorite places. Access it quickly from favourite screen.
For comfort, all locations are always sorted by the most recent date, the top place in the list is your last saved location!
✔️ Show map
You can show your current position and saved locations on map, to see address and other details.
See the address and street you are currently at, and never get lost around the city ever again.
✔️ Navigate
Navigate with ease and find the quickest route to all your destinations with My Current GPS Location app.
You can choose to walk or drive to your favorite saved position.
Navigate the map and find the shortest, most accurate directions to any saved place.
✔️ App Widget
To save position quicker, install the widget on you device screen launcher! You can install it from your home screen like any other widget, or install it directly from the application!
✔️ Edit saved Locations
Easily edit your saved locations, or remove it.
✔️ New saved Locations
Find location by latitude and longitude!
You can create manually a location if you need to, enter coordinates in degrees minutes second format or decimal, and navigate to it! Perfect for geocaching!
✔️ Share your current location or any saved locations
If you want to share your current location or favorite place to a friend, it is easy. You can share by SMS, Email or more.
You can choose to share plain text location, or a link to maps application!
✔️ GPS Maps
See your current GPS position on the map easily and freely.
✔️ Similar Locations
This app will autodetect duplicates, two locations with 3 meters distance or less are considered equivalent, and the last one only is saved.
✔️ Where is my car
Save your car (or motorcycle, bike…) position quickly from widget for example, and navigate back to it later. Now you can forget where you parked your vehicule! 😄
✔️ Smart GPS
Pick always the best location provider : GPS, network or passive.
✔️ Support
If you want to remove ads and support developers, buy premium version, thanks for your support!
This app is perfect for adventurers, business people, team leaders and those who socialise with family and friend.
Just imagine all the places you’ve been and thought how you would like to share with others.
This app will quickly show and save the location details with exact accuracy so you can reference it later for your next visit!
Find the best restaurant in town and want to remember to bring your loved ones? Save the location in the app and even share it with your friends so they know where to find you.
If you do a raid and need to calculate azimut, this app can help you a lot.
Navigate with ease and find the quickest route to all your destinations with My Location. Download right now and explore the world!