MELD Score calculator

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 23:22
  • 访问密码:659522


MELD Score calculator

Fast and easy to use calculator to determine both the original (pre-2016) and the 2016 revised MELD score. The 3 month mortality risk based on the end stage liver disease score is shown as well. The app has its own custom keyboard for better screen use and calculates as you type. No need to press a calculate button, just enter your values and the result will be shown. Units of measure can be switched between mcmol/L and mg/dL by tapping the unit of measure buttons.

If you leave the Sodium field empty, the original MELD score will be calculated anyway.

keywords: liver disease, hepatology, MELD, liver transplant score


MELD Score calculator 2.1 更新

Updated Android libraries
