Hero WOD Recorder

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 21:45
  • 访问密码:659522


Hero WOD Recorder

Do you want to challenge yourself every day? Workout after workout? WOD after WOD?
Now you can!
Hero WOD Recorder will be your daily support for your trainings!
Shoot videos of every workout you do with the support of a lighter version of Hero Timer!(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crosstrainingheroes.timer&hl=it&gl=US)
Record, watch your video, share it, and beat your self day by day.
Discover your weaknesses and your strengths
– Are you a personal trainer? Share to your athletes how to train at the best!
Personalize the colors and the label of Hero Timer
– Attach to your video a round counter and the description card of your workout and customize them
Drag and drop the timer, the round counter, and your workout description card everywhere on the screen
– Configure every type of workout:
* Count-Up/For Time: set a time cap and complete your workout
* Count-Down/AMRAP: do as much rep/round as you can before the timer goes to zero
* TABATA/HIIT: create intervals with WORK and REST time, and create multiple set of the same workout
* EMOM: set time you have to finish every round, rest for the time remaining and go for the next round

There aren’t excuse anymore!
Be a HERO!

PS: our lovely icons have been taken “Pixel perfect”, “turkkub”, “Nikita Golubev”, “ultimatearm”, “Darius Dan”, “xnimrodx”, “Becris”, “iconixar”, “Kiranshastry”, “Smashicons”, “Eucalyp”, “Surang” and “photo3idea” on flaticon.com and our awesome video has been taken from “Cottonbro” on Pexels.com


Hero WOD Recorder 0.1.17 更新

Ready to record and challenge yourself in every workout? 🏋️‍♂️
* Our recording engine has been improved 🎉
* We have removed advertisements on recording screen 🎉
We are improving the app performances release after relaese! 💪
