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  • 更新时间:2021-03-7 14:42
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Looking to chat it up with devoted fans and experts alike? You’ve come to the right place. You can also find scores, stats, highlights, and breaking news all in one app.

The Halftime community atmosphere is one-of-a-kind in today’s online environment. The conversation is always fun, engaging and intelligent. You won’t find the typical BS associated with social media here. NBA fans like you should be able to share your thoughts, post hot takes, and engage with friends and other fans without trolls and noise undermining the experience.

Download the app now to join the team and access all things NBA 24/7 in the palm of your hands.

Sound interesting? We’re just getting started.


Halftime 2.2.2 更新

As requested by our no-nonsense community, now you can view comments sorted by the most liked (popular)!
