Garner Health

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 23:25
  • 访问密码:659522


Garner Health

Garner is a free employee benefit that pays your bills when you see high quality doctors.
Find high quality care – our data science matches you with the best possible doctor for your needs. Doctors are near you, always in-network, and available for appointments.

You’re covered – a select amount of your out-of-pocket medical expenses (set by your employer) are covered when you use a doctor recommended by Garner.

Note: Garner is 100% free but requires a sponsored account, typically provided as part of your health benefits. If your employer has invited you to use Garner, you’re in the right place (if not, please tell your HR team about us).


Garner Health v1.5.2 (1006043080) 145f3838 更新

Minor updates and performance improvements
