Ferri’s Clinical Advisor “5 books in 1” format App

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 23:11
  • 访问密码:659522


Ferri’s Clinical Advisor “5 books in 1” format App

Based on 2021 print ed. Quick access to 900+ common medical conditions. Diseases & disorders, differential diagnosis & lab results- all updated by experts in key clinical fields. Built-in calculators. 140+ interactive flowcharts. 5-in-1 format.

Find fast answers to inform your daily diagnosis and treatment decisions! Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2021 uses the popular “5 books in 1” format to deliver vast amounts of information in a clinically relevant user-friendly manner. This bestselling reference has been significantly updated to provide you with easy access to answers on 1 000 common medical conditions including diseases and disorders differential diagnoses clinical algorithms laboratory tests and clinical practice guidelines—all carefully reviewed by experts in key clinical fields. Extensive algorithms along with hundreds of new figures and tables ensure that you stay current with today’s medical practice.

Key Features

– Contains significant updates throughout, covering all aspects of current diagnosis and treatment.
– Features 27 all-new topics including chronic rhinosinusitis, subclinical brain infarction, reflux-cough syndrome, radiation pneumonitis, catatonia, end-stage renal disease, and genitourinary syndrome of menopause, among others.
– Includes new appendices covering common herbs in integrated medicine and herbal activities against pain and chronic diseases; palliative care; and preoperative evaluation.Offers
– Added online content: more than 90 additional topics; new algorithms, images, and tables; EBM boxes; patient teaching guides, color images, and more.


Ferri’s Clinical Advisor “5 books in 1” format App 3.5.21 更新

Bug Fixes and UI Enhancements
