F-Secure Freedome for Business
NOTE: Freedome for Business should only be downloaded for business use, as it does not work without a valid business subscription. To start using the solution, please contact your IT administrator for the necessary details. If are you looking for the consumer version of Freedome, you can find it here: https://goo.gl/Rm4LZ0
If you have comments or questions about the solution, please get in touch with us at: freedome-business-feedback@f-secure.com
F-Secure Freedome for Business 更新
New permission model: Users need to allow access to file storage and phone calls. File storage permission is needed for company configurations. Phone permission is needed for identity management. Freedome will not read or store your personal data.
* Support for configuring notification visibility per notification type in Android settings (requires Android 8 or later)
* Bug fixes and performance improvements
* Support for configuring notification visibility per notification type in Android settings (requires Android 8 or later)
* Bug fixes and performance improvements