eyecad VR

  • 应用版本:
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  • 系统要求:
  • 更新时间:2021-03-7 18:13
  • 访问密码:659522


eyecad VR

eyecad VR app is the official eyecad VR’s application that allows to the Real Estate, buildings, architecture and design professionals to send their personal projects to their customers in Virtual Reality.

Customers will receive from designers links (created inside eyecad VR Softwares) of their projects that could be explored with Smartphone and Cardboard.

App is divided in two sections:

– Client (for professionals that have an eyecad VR Software License);

– Guest (for customers that will recieve projects link to explore them).

eyecad VR is a DIGITAL ATOM SRL Project.


eyecad VR 2.7 更新

Now is compatible with eyecad VR 1.8.0.
Controller movements are improved.
VR Movements are improved.
