EK Bailey Preaching Conference
The goal of EKBPC is to equip you to handle the Scriptures with integrity, scholarship and reverence. Our theme for 2019 is “Preaching Ephesians: Equipping the Church,” wherein we will provide you with a core group of workshops that will teach you how to preach effectively through the book of Ephesians. Our hope is that you will leave with help to develop a preaching plan to use at your church in your preaching or teaching ministry after attending one of our core workshops. In addition to the core workshops, we will also offer you a variety of preaching workshops for your consideration. All of our general sessions will be tied to our conference theme. For more information, please visit www.ekbpc.com or follow us on Facebook at fb.com/ekbpc.
EK Bailey Preaching Conference 5.47.3 更新
-We added a countdown to your event on the Dynamic Event Guide.
-We’re now localized for Dutch, Italian, and Swedish.
-Event planners can now include their own terms of use.
-Bug fixes and enhancements to improve the overall attendee app experience.