• 应用版本:
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  • 系统要求:
  • 更新时间:2021-03-7 13:53
  • 访问密码:659522



Our official DON DON DONKI Membership app will not only deliver you news of our latest products and promotions, it will also provide you hassle-free management of your membership with us. Plus, get to shop on-the-go for a wide range of products delivered right to your doorstep.

Download now and start earning dMiles to redeem awesome gifts!

■ Main services / functions

Membership Card
・Present this app at the cashier when making payment or enter your membership ID at checkout page to earn and accumulate dMiles which will entitle you to redeem gifts

・Find coupons that can be exchanged or redeemed in-store

・Be instantly updated with our latest promotions and events

Ranking System
・Climb up ranks to enjoy even greater benefits


Your thoughts matter to us! Tell us more through our ‘Feedback’ page on how we can improve.

Please switch on location services in your settings to download this app.


DONKI 2.1.3 更新

Stamp card feature is available for this update if you would like to earn stamps and complete the stamp card to win prizes!
