Device ID
Simple app to get your Device Info/ID/local IP/MAC addresses & Serial that allow you easily copy and share the ID of your mobile device.
An ideal tool for developers, customer support and user.
Supported :
Android ID
Google Services Framework Key ID
Subscriber ID (IMSI)
SIM Card Serial
WiFi MAC Address
Bluetooth MAC Address
Hardware Serial
Device Build Fingerprint
Local IP Address
Permission Explanation :
READ_GSERVICES is used to get your Google Services Framework ID
READ_PHONE_STATE is used to get your IMEI, IMSI and SIM Serial
BLUETOOTH is used to get your Bluetooth MAC address
ACCESS_WIFI_STATE and ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE is used to get your MAC address
INTERNET is used to get your local IP address and advertisement
Device ID 1.0.8 更新
** Crash in some devices fixed
If any problem occur while installing then please uninstall and install the app again.