CLZ Comics

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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 16:10
  • 访问密码:659522


CLZ Comics

Catalog your comic collection with ease. Just scan barcodes with your camera and automatically get full comic details and cover art.

Subscription: $14.99 per year / free 7-day trial

Use our “CLZ Core” service to easily add comics, either by:
1. scanning comic barcodes with your device camera.
2. searching our online comic database by series title.
* CLZ Core will automatically give you cover art and full comic details, like Series, Issue Nr, Publisher, creator lists, character lists, etc…

Use our “CLZ Cloud” service to:
* Share your app subscription to other mobile devices, without paying again.
* Sync your comic database between devices (e.g. your phones and tablets).
* View and share your comic list online, using the CLZ Cloud viewer website.
* Always have an online cloud-backup of your collection database.
* Sync data to/from our Comic Collector or Comic Connect software (separate subscription).

Other app features:
* Get comic prices from (values based on “slabbed & graded” comics!)
* Keep track of your collection and your wish list.
* Edit comics to add more details, like storage box, grade, grader notes, etc..
* Can’t find your comic in CLZ Core? No problem, just use Add Manually from the menu.
* Group comics into folders, e.g. by series, publisher, grade, etc…
* Sort comic lists by series, issue number, value, purchase date, etc…
* View your collection as a list or as a “cover wall”.

* Questions or concerns? Just contact us! *

We love to hear your feedback, we are here to help with any problems or concerns.
In the app, tap the menu icon top left, then choose Contact Support.

* Subscription pricing *

CLZ Comics is a subscription app:
* $1.49 per month, when paying monthly
* $14.99 per year, when paying yearly (~ $1.25 per month)

The subscription lets you:
* use the app on multiple phones and tablets
* access our CLZ Core online comic database, for comic details and cover art
* use our CLZ Cloud system, for syncing between devices, backups and online sharing
* use our excellent customer support by email, 7 days a week
* download our regular app updates with new features and improvements

You can start a 7-day free trial from the app’s start-up screen. The free trial automatically continues into the subscription of your choice (monthly or yearly). You can cancel your subscription anytime through the App Store.


CLZ Comics 6.3.1 更新

Add Comics by Series: New “Select All” checkbox

Re-designed toolbars at the top

Collection Status filter (2nd button from top right)
– Now lets you filter by all status values (inc. On Order, For Sale)
– Button now highlights in yellow when a filter is active

New Settings for Series and Creator Sort Names

Improved Statistics screen
– More database totals at the top (purchase price)
– More charts (by Publisher, by Grade, by Year, by Creator, etc..
– New: “tap to show all” to enlarge charts
