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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 23:56
  • 访问密码:659522



The best backcountry mapping tool on the web is now available on Android.

Cloud Sync

The CalTopo app integrates with your existing account, and edits sync between the two in seconds. Plan your trip using CalTopo’s best-in-class mapping tools and then seamlessly transition to your phone. Once in the field, sync your GPS track back to in real time, or drop markers and instantly share them with friends.

Amazing Maps

Access CalTopo layers not available elsewhere, including the MapBuilder series, land management, sun exposure, fire activity and custom terrain shading. Pre-packaged map files (subscription required) make for speedy offline downloads and simplified data management. An elevation data layer supports measuring profiles and point elevations, even when offline.

Real-Time Data

NOAA weather forecast visualizations and MODIS satellite imagery aid in-field decision making. Coming soon: SNOTEL, weather stations, streamflows and forecast grid data points.


CalTopo 0.7.2 更新

Revamp of UI, improved performance in low cell signal, additional bug fixes
