By encrypting and securely routing all your network traffic through your Bitmask-compatible service provider, Bitmask is able to prevent many forms of censorship and surveillance.
FAQ: we ask for the sd card read/write permission because we’re using a special area from it to store custom providers added by you. If you update to Android 5, you’ll see we don’t ask for that permission because that version lets the apps use the special zone for free (because it’s app-indenpendent).
Bitmask is an open source VPN client, distributed under the GPLv3 license. See
Translations greatly appreciated at our Transifex project:
If you experience problems or want to have bleeding edge versions, please join our Beta testers group:
Bitmask 1.0.7 更新
– some new translations, more coming soon
fixed relaunch VPN on reboot
-> in case always-on system setting is enabled on Android O+
-> in case VPN was connected before turning off the smartphone on pre Android O
-> better support for “Block connections without VPN” system setting while rebooting