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Bevcon™ Los Angeles Is a Multi-day Curated Event in Los Angeles, CA August 19-21, 2018 That Brings National and International Beverage and Culinary Minded Professionals Together for Meaningful and Rich Learning Opportunities, Networking Events, Tastings, and Interactions with Other Like-minded Professionals.

The focus will be on all things beverages with concentration on operations, beverage making, craft-minded products, and what’s new and cutting edge in the wine, spirits and beer industries as well as trends in non-alcoholic drinks, mixers, and products. While in Los Angeles, attendees will get a glimpse of our city’s beverage culture, history, and programs that are some of the best in the nation.

Note: Our app does use background services to keep you informed of this event and the locations of each speaker. Just a heads up, continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.


BevCon 1.2 更新

A lot of really cool changes for BevCon Los Angeles. We’ve updated the navigation and events.
