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  • 更新时间:2021-03-6 22:49
  • 访问密码:659522



Amodo introduces a telematics-enabled platform for insurance companies that influence their customers based on their insights and habits and offer competitive insurance rates to policyholders based on their driving behavior. Insurance customers are also incentivized through various rewards and discounts while keeping the insurance company at the forefront of their mind through daily app interaction.

By using their smartphones as powerful telematics devices, drivers can measure their driving abilities against a range of factors such as acceleration, braking, cornering, and speed limits. Using telematics and tracking their driving will empower them to be better and safer drivers.

– Acceleration events
– Exceeding the speed limit
– Breaking events
– Cornering speed
– Average speed
– Distracted driving


Amodo 3.3.121 更新

Bug fixes and improvements
