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  • 更新时间:2021-03-7 17:16
  • 访问密码:659522



*** AeroWeather: for pilots, aviation enthusiasts, and everyone who is serious about the weather!

AeroWeather provides quick and intuitive access to METAR and TAF for airports worldwide. Data can be shown in its original (raw) format or as fully decoded and easy understandable texts. AeroWeather is helpful for weather preflight-briefings, but also to just get very precise weather. All weather data is cached for offline access. There are many settings for units and format of METAR/TAF available.

The app features a built-in airport database, which includes basic airport data like runways*, sunrise/sunset, twilight times, timezones etc.

Please consult our web-site for a full description of all features.

* Additional functionality which needs to be unlocked (one-time purchase). In-app purchases are not transferable between platforms.


AeroWeather 1.8.3 更新

Improved METAR/TAF coverage Australia and Colombia (for subscription only)
Database update (2021-01-16)
