福音图书馆是耶稣基督后期圣徒教会的福音研读应用程式,其中包括经文、总会大会讲辞、音乐、学习和教导手册、教会杂志、影片、录音、福音画册等等。 你可以在这个丰富庞大的资料库里研究、搜寻和标记,并和他人分享此项工具。
福音图书馆 5.11.3 (511089.153) 更新
• Improved Come, Follow Me study plan creation so that new study plans will include both weekly lessons and associated scripture sections.
• Improved text-to-speech so that the device region is taken into account when choosing a default voice.
• Improved text-to-speech so that the device region is taken into account when choosing a default voice.